Monday, April 6

Writing assignments: dialogue

The final assignment involved the characters previously created. The task was simple: to write a dialogue between the two.


Saturdays were slow around midday, and it was usually then that Samuel would stroll into the cafe and order iced tea or hot chocolate, depending on the weather. The garage where he worked wasn’t officially open during the weekend, but he came in to tinker nonetheless. Around noon he liked to take a walk to the cafe where Lance worked. That day he was in an unusually bad mood due to a bar scuffle gone sour the previous night.

Writing assignments: character creation

The one-but-last task I had to complete for the creative writing course last semester involved character creation. Using a provided "character checklist" we were to create two different characters and write a bit of an internal monologue for them, each with an internal conflict. I'm not quite proud of my fulfillment of the last part of the task; there are internal conflicts in these characters if you squint the right way... Well, I tried, didn't I?